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Health Resources

School Nurse and Athletic Trainer Contact Information

  • South Hunterdon Regional Elementary School Nurse
    School Nurse: Kim Berls, RN, CSN
    Phone number: 609-397-0183 Ext. 1346

  • South Hunterdon Regional Middle School Nurse
    School Nurse: Jodie Komar, RN, BSN
    Phone number: 609-397-0819 Ext. 1305

  • South Hunterdon Regional High School Nurse
    Tracy Flemming, RN, CSN
    Phone Number: 609-397- 2060 Ext. 1229

  • South Hunterdon Regional Middle/High School Athletic Trainer
    Amy Somma
    Phone number: 609-397-2060 Ext. 1261

Health Resources

    1. All students are required to submit an up-to-date immunization record and physical upon registration. These examinations should be conducted at your child’s medical home in order to ensure continuity of care. It is recommended that your child receive a medical examination at least once during each developmental stage:
    • at early childhood (preschool through grade three)
    • pre-adolescence (grade four through six), and
    • adolescence (grade seven through 12)


    If your child does not receive immunizations due to:

    • A medical exemption; please provide a note from your child’s Primary Care Provider stating this. 
    • A religious exemption; please provide a note from the parent/guardian stating this. You may use the following template:


    To Whom It May Concern,


    In accordance with NJ States statute 26:1A-9.1 1974, and Section 8:57-4.4 N.J.A.C. 1995, I hereby certify that the administration of vaccine and other immunizing agents to my child _________________________________ is contrary to my religious beliefs, held either individually or jointly with others, and therefore request that my child be exempted from the school immunization requirements of NJ Statute 26:1A-9 1974, and Section 8:57-4.1 N.J.A.C. 1995.

    Parent/Guardian Name:______________________________________

    Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________Date:_______

    1. Students in PreK are required to receive an annual Flu shot Prior to Dec. 31. 
    1. Students entering 6th grade are required to receive the Tdap and Meningococcal immunizations prior to the first day of 6th grade. Tdap vaccine shall not be given earlier than your child’s 10th birthday. 

      Meningococcal Vaccine Information Sheet (English)  |  Meningococcal Vaccine Information Sheet (Spanish)
      TDAP Vaccine Information Sheet (English)  |  TDAP Vaccine Information Sheet (Spanish)
    2. The CDC recommends the HPV vaccine series for all males and females at ages 11 or 12 (or can start at age 9 years) and for everyone through age 26 years.

      HPV Vaccine Information Sheet (English)  |  HPV Vaccine Information Sheet (Spanish)



    1. PreK screenings include: height, weight, vision, hearing, and dental. 
    2. Screening for height, weight, and blood pressure are conducted annually for each student in Kindergarten through Grade 12.
    3. Screening for visual acuity are conducted biennially for students in Kindergarten through Grade 10.
    4. Screening for auditory acuity are conducted annually for students in Kindergarten through Grade 3 and again in Grades 7 and 11.
    5. Screening for scoliosis are conducted biennially for students between the ages of 10 and 18. 
  • Medication should be given at home whenever possible. However, if a medication must be administered during school hours (prescription or over the counter), proper authorization must be provided to the school nurse. This includes a doctor’s order and written parent consent.

    Please use our Authorization for Administration of RX/OTC Medication Form to provide proper authorization.

    Medication must be sent into the school in the original pharmacy labeled container.

  • It can be difficult to decide when to keep your child home from school due to illness. Here is some basic information to help you in this decision. 

    • Fever: Student should not attend school until fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.
    • Vomiting (due to illness): Student should remain at home for a full 24 hours after complete resolution. 
    • Pink or Red Eye(s): Student should stay at home or visit his/her physician if discolored eye(s) is also accompanied by white or yellow discharge.
    • Sore Throat: Student should be evaluated by his/her physician if sore throat is accompanied by fever, rash, swollen tonsils, white spots on tonsils, or severe pain. If started on an antibiotic, the student may return to school 24 hours after treatment has been initiated.
    • Rash: Rashes that cannot be ruled out to be non-contagious, should be evaluated by a physician.

    Your child's health is more important than a single day at school. Students learn better when they are healthy and able to fully participate in class activities. Waiting a day to ensure that symptoms have fully resolved after an illness will help to keep the entire student body healthy. Please keep in mind, if a student is absent for more than 3 days, a doctor's note is requested upon return to school.

    To help prevent your child (and yourself) from getting sick, please encourage your child to wash his/her hands often, especially after using the bathroom, after playing outside, and before eating or touching his/her mouth. Additionally, eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of rest daily, and participating in daily physical activity will help to keep one’s body and immune system healthy so that it can easily and quickly fight off infections.