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Board Policy Adoption Process

District Policy Adoption Process 

We work closely with a policy company Strauss Esmay that serves over 560 NJ school districts.  Strauss Esmay alerts the district when there is a change in a State or Federal law that requires a new policy or a policy revision, to ensure our policies and regulation manuals follow these laws. 

The Board of Education has a policy committee that meets to review policies that come up for revision. Every policy we adopt (or modify) goes through this process: 

1.  A “1st” reading in which the entire board has the opportunity to review the Strauss Esmay recommendations and provide suggested revisions to the policy committee.

2.  A “2nd” reading which is the final draft to be voted on for adoption by the Board of Education.  

The draft policies and regulations are provided to the public as part of the Board Meeting agenda.  There is an opportunity for public comment on each policy and regulation at our monthly board meetings or members of the public can contact the policy committee and Superintendent with comments or feedback. 

Access to Official Policy Documents

The community can access all of our district policies and regulations by clicking on this link SHRSD District Policies and Regulations or by going to our district website and clicking on Board Meeting Agenda under Quick Links and then policies in the top right hand corner. 

Policy Related Questions from Parents

I understand there may be policies that parents have questions about or perhaps don’t agree with.  It is important that there is a vehicle for communication so that parents can be heard, therefore I will be holding open office hours every Tuesday from 8-9 AM for any parent/guardian who has a question or concern about anything related to the district or perhaps has an idea of how they can support the District.

The Superintendent's Office is located at the high school. If Tuesday morning does not work for your schedule, please feel free to email me at or call me at 609-397-4973 to schedule a convenient time to meet.