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South Hunterdon Early Childhood Advisory Council (SH-ECAC)

The South Hunterdon Early Childhood Advisory Council (SHECAC) is a group of parents, educational practitioners, and community members whose mission is to support high quality preschool program implementation for the children and families of the South Hunterdon Regional School District. 

One of the core responsibilities of SHECAC is to gather feedback on a regular basis from families of preschool students to help ensure the program is meeting their needs. The analysis from the data collected by these regular surveys are delivered to the district and program administrators to incorporate into program implementation. 

We are looking for dedicated members to join us for the 2024-2025 school year! If you are interested in contributing to the work of the council as either a Parent Representative, Educator Representative or Community Representative, please complete the form below. The SHECAC meets 4-5 times a year for meetings and works collaboratively in order to accomplish our goals.

If you are interested in joining the SHECAC or would like more information please complete our survey/interest form:

Interest Survey |  Enlace de encuesta 

We are always looking for ways to best serve our families and community. Please reach out with any suggests/comments/questions!  We look forward to partnering with you! 

For questions or information please email



  • TALK

    • Talk about what your child is doing, what your child is looking at, or what your child is interested in. 
    • Ask specific questions about school, not just “how was your day?”.
      • “Who did you sit with at lunch?” “Tell me about them…”
      • “What did you do at recess, who did you play with?”
      • “Tell me about something you learned today?”
      • “What made you feel (happy, sad, excited, nervous, curious) today?”
    • Add words or questions to what your child says or does and model new language.
      • If your child says “Clifford book”, you can respond using a full phrase/sentence such as, “OH, you want to read the Clifford book, ok let’s read!”. 
    • Give your child enough time to respond
      • Repeating questions, requests, statements can be cognitively overwhelming & interrupt processing


    • People games
    • Board games
    • Bubbles
    • Hide and seek
    • Scavenger hunt
    • I spy - outdoors, indoors, GREAT to practice in the car
    • Rhyming games 
    • Building
    • Dress up
    • Crafts
    • Tag
    • Sing songs
    • Play dough
    • Make a sensory bin
    • Dancing
    • Bike/scooter riding
    • Skipping, jumping, running
    • People games


    • Read to your preschooler often, make up stories using books without words: i.e., Goodnight Gorilla
    • Books for preschoolers
    • Alphabet, shape, size and counting books.
    • Books that tell simple stories, especially ones with rhythm and repetition.
    • Books about families, friends and going to school.
    • Books with characters who are about the same age as your child and characters who have quirky traits.
    • Ask your child questions about the books you are reading together (who, what, where, when, why and how questions).
      • What color is _____ ?
      • What is _____ doing? 
      • Why is the character _____ ?
      • Who is _____ ?
      • Where is the _____ ?
      • When are they going _____ ?
      • How does the character feel _____ ?





Events and Calendar


Please complete the following questionnaire to help the South Hunterdon Regional School District identify the needs for Community-Based Services. This information will help plan future services and programs. Please return the completed survey as soon as possible. All information will be kept confidential and is only used for statistical purposes.  

Community Needs Assessment 2023 


Complete el siguiente cuestionario para ayudar al Distrito Escolar Regional de South Hunterdon a identificar las necesidades de Servicios Basados ​​en la Comunidad. Esta información ayudará a planificar servicios y programas futuros. Por favor devuelva la encuesta completa lo más antes posible. Toda la información se mantendrá confidencial y solo se utilizará con fines estadísticos.

 Algunas de las preguntas a continuación abordan temas delicados (es decir, salud mental, abuso de sustancias, seguridad personal) y solo necesita responder aquellas con las que se sienta cómodo calificando.

Encuesta de Evaluación de Necesidades 

Events Calendar: